These days, people seem to be more stressed than in the past.
While the advancement of technology in the information-age has meant to make life easier, it’s actually resulted in more pressure and higher expectations. Many of us are struggling to cope with day-to-day life due to the increase in stressors, unrealistic demands, and the constant barrage of information. It’s often hard to switch off from it all.
It’s not uncommon to continually question yourself ‘Am I doing enough?’ or ‘Do I have enough?’ You might constantly compare your real life with the glorified ‘showreels’ your friends post on social media. As a result, you might have lost your sense of self and purpose in life.
When this stress and worry continues over a long period of time, it can have a significant impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing.
How counselling can help with today’s key issues
In Australia, mental illness is very common. According to the Black Dog Institute, one in five Australians aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any year. The most common mental illnesses are depressive, anxiety and substance use disorder.
There are various factors contributing to society’s emotional struggles today – and counselling is a vital component of support for many people’s lives. However, 54% of people with emotional issues do not access any treatment. This is very concerning, considering at least six Australians die from suicide every day and a further 30 people will attempt to take their own life.
What is counselling and psychotherapy and how can they help?
While the two aspects are very similar in practise, counselling is often provided through shorter-term consultation, whereas psychotherapy can involve frequent and longer-term treatment.
For counselling, the focus is on more current specific issues, significant life changes, and general well-being. Psychotherapy is usually about understanding and increasing insight through exploring emotions and behavioural patterns at more depth over our lifespan.
With the support of these therapies , you can start to understand distressing thoughts and feelings. Then find more effective ways to cope and overcome your pain and discomfort. You don’t have to try dealing with it all on your own.
People seek counselling and psychotherapy for various reasons, including:
- Anxiety/panic attacks
- Fears and phobias
- Low mood/depression
- Worry/stress
- Grief, loss and loneliness
- Trauma
- Low confidence/self-esteem
- Illness/injury
- Childhood issues
- Guilt/shame
- Parenting
- Relationship issues
- Separation/divorce
As listed above, we already face enough life challenges that can leave us running thin – without being exposed to these new worries and fears of the technological age. Our stress levels are increasing daily as a result, whether or not we realise it.
The new issues we face in the 21st century
With the advancement of technology and social media, we are now more aware than ever of local and world news (which is generally all negative). And our internal stress response is frequently being triggered, which can greatly impact our wellbeing.
Here are some common key issues contributing to our stress levels today:
- Social media – The persona we show others on social media can differ from how we truly feel underneath. If you’re struggling with self-esteem issues and/or find social media impacts how you feel in yourself, counselling can help you build your confidence and get back to a happier place within.
- Relationship struggles – With divorce rates being high, there’s a clear indication many couples are under enormous stress, leaving them unhappy and often unable to resolve their differences. The balance between couples is very different now than in the past, with both parties often working and the increased need to juggle. If you’re having troubles in your relationship, counselling can help deepen your connection and equip you with the tools necessary to work through any difficulties.
- Politics – The way it impacts each person can vary, but ongoing issues and changes in our government can cause enormous grief, especially if it doesn’t align with your values system. Counselling can give you a sounding board to explore these fears and find a way to manage the worries in the world around you.
- Distressing world events – Social media gives everyone the opportunity to become a news broadcaster these days, so it’s easy to be drawn into the fearful and negative events in the world. If your fears are affecting your day-to-day life or triggering past trauma, counselling can provide the tools and support needed to manage and protect yourself from these external events.
- Lack of community – While easy-to-access travel and the internet make the world feel smaller, we can still feel isolated if we don’t have family and extended family physically close by. Families are also generally working a lot more now and retiring much later, which might mean there are less family members available to help raise children. If you’re feeling isolated, lonely and/or unsure of how to form connections within your community, a counsellor can help increase your mood and find ways to build supportive and healthy relationships.
- Overuse in prescribed medications – While medication can be helpful in some situations and life-changing in others, these days it’s often considered a ‘quick fix’ for emotional pain. It may reduce the symptoms, but doesn’t treat the underlying cause. Whether you’re taking medication or not, counselling support is crucial for long-term benefits and change.
If you feel a slide in your emotional wellbeing, early intervention is vital.
Are any of the above issues affecting you and your day-to-day life in any way?
Early detection of emotional health issues, followed by appropriate, timely intervention, and support can significantly reduce the severity, duration, and recurrence of mental illness – no matter when in life it occurs.
You deserve to feel happy again. With counselling support, this happiness IS possible. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss your concerns further.
Do you need Counselling Support?
If you need counselling support, contact Kylie Lepri for a FREE 15-minute phone call to discuss your situation and find out how she can help. Call us now on 0404 032636 or book your free phone call online.
Kylie Lepri is a registered Psychotherapist, Marriage & Relationship Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor, and Training Consultant. Since 2003 she has helped individuals and couples work through life stressors, develop new goals and create better relationships. Get Kylie’s FREE ebook: 5 Proven Strategies to help manage stress today, by joining her newsletter here.